I started out piano in group lessons, and the skills I learned by collaborating with other students and playing in an ensemble provided an invaluable foundation of rhythm and listening to others that enabled me to succeed in duets and as an accompanist ever since.
I currently offer small group classes for children ages 7-12 and are 60 minutes. Class sizes are capped at three students to allow for a hybrid lesson format that allows for collaboration as well as designating individual instruction. Children's group piano classes are structured like this:
We use the Alfred Group Piano course in addition to other supplemental pieces and materials. |
Adult group piano classes are also offered based on interest. The Alfred's Group Piano for Adults series is used for these. As for children, lessons are 60 minutes with 30 minutes as a group and 10 minutes one-on-one with two other 10 minute intervals for arranging/composition and workbook activities.